About Us

Terrified. One word to describe me.
Terrified of what? Everything!
When my pastor started encouraging me to go on my first mission trip, I said no, no way. I'm too scared... of everything! He told me to think about it, really consider going on the next trip to Haiti. Haiti??? I didn't even know where Haiti was. I definitely couldn't speak the language and I had plenty of reasons not to go. Well, God said "Go!" Not audibly, but still clearly.
At my first mission trip meeting, I shared I'm terrified to fly, I'm terrified to cross an ocean (I'm a terrible swimmer), I am terrified to leave my family! You see, I stayed home with my kids until they started school, they needed me. What if they got upset while I was gone and my husband couldn't handle it without me. (They were 10, 15 and 23 by the way...not toddlers!)
On Jan 12, 2010, Haiti suffered from a devastating and deadly earthquake. I was scared it could happen again while I was there. I was terrified I wouldn't make it home and my kids would have to grow up without their mother.
My husband needed me. I was petrified he would be a widower and have to marry someone other than me.
But God clearly said "Go." I went.
Terrified, but somewhere deep inside I was excited too! On the flight down, my ear drums ruptured. It felt like I was underwater. There were so many new smells, sounds (though muffled), people speaking Kreyol, sights I had never seen before. There was complete chaos on the roads, poverty like I didn't know existed, lack of development, and people. People were everywhere, beautiful people.....this is Haiti. Suddenly, my fears were gone, now I just wanted more! I wanted to know more about the people and their culture. I was mesmerized by the sights, sounds and the way of life of the Haitians. Most of all, I was changed!
And, now that I know, I must do.
It was July 6, 2013 the first time my feet touched to ground in Haiti. Though I had dreamt of this opportunity and moment for many years, I was immediately overwhelmed by the thickness of the air. My senses were overloaded with the smells of burning trash, the smoldering heat, the sounds of the beautiful, Haitian people and animals in the bustling street market. It was the most beautiful and broken place I had ever seen and I was in love! I mean deeply, fully in love. I was home, in a way I had never been before.
As God spoke to my heart over that next week I was totally overwhelmed by all that He shared. I knew I would never be the same person who’d set off just days earlier to discover what God had for her. I couldn’t go back, I couldn’t un-see, I couldn’t pretend that God hadn’t opened my eyes to what he wanted for me.
Over the last several years and many, many trips to Haiti, God has broken, molded, shaped, and prepared me for where I am today. I realize that my place is to walk along side those that God puts in my path. Working together in a sustainable way with those we partner with, learning from them, working toward insuring justice and opportunity for everyone, regardless of where you were born. Ultimately never losing sight of eternal purpose and sharing His love with others.
Thus, True Trading Co. was born. Working as a platform for those in Haiti, Rwanda, India, Guatemala and wherever else God chooses, joining the makers of these beautiful products and you, the buyers! And honoring both parties. Developing relationships and providing a place for our artisans to sell their goods at a fair wage. We’ve seen first hand the difference God is making in the lives of these artisans. People are truly empowered, no longer forced to relinquish custody of their children due to poverty, caring for their families, educating themselves and their children, and growing their economies in a sustainable way. This is powerful change. Thank you for partnering with us in changing our world with a hand up instead of a handout!